Anthony K. Valley

Faith, Father, Family Man, Frequent Failure of Frivolous Functions

Welcome, Strangers, Foreigners, and immigrants

Here are the Bible passages about “welcoming strangers” or “welcoming foreigners” in the New International Version (NIV):

1. Leviticus 19:33-34 (NIV)

”‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’”

Expanded Context (Leviticus 19:32-35, NIV): These verses emphasize fair treatment, love, and respect for foreigners, reminding Israel of their own experience in Egypt.

Key Theme: Treating foreigners with love and equality is a command from God.

2. Matthew 25:35 (NIV)

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

Expanded Context (Matthew 25:31-40, NIV): In the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, Jesus teaches that kindness to strangers is kindness to Him.

Key Theme: Welcoming strangers is seen as serving Christ Himself.

3. Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

Expanded Context (Hebrews 13:1-3, NIV): The writer encourages hospitality to strangers, recalling stories like Abraham’s encounter with angels in Genesis 18.

Key Theme: Hospitality may bring unexpected blessings.

4. Deuteronomy 10:18-19 (NIV)

“He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.”

Expanded Context (Deuteronomy 10:17-21, NIV): These verses remind Israel of God’s love and care for foreigners and command them to follow His example.

Key Theme: God loves and protects foreigners, and His people should too.

5. Exodus 22:21 (NIV)

“Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.”

Expanded Context (Exodus 22:21-24, NIV): God commands Israel to avoid mistreating foreigners, widows, or orphans, warning of His divine judgment.

Key Theme: Mistreating foreigners is against God’s justice and love.

6. Romans 12:13 (NIV)

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”

Expanded Context (Romans 12:9-13, NIV): Paul instructs Christians to live out their faith through love, humility, and hospitality.

Key Theme: Hospitality is an essential Christian practice.

7. Luke 10:25-37 (The Parable of the Good Samaritan, NIV)

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.”

Expanded Context (Luke 10:25-37, NIV): In this parable, Jesus emphasizes compassion and action toward strangers, regardless of cultural or ethnic differences.

Key Theme: True neighborly love includes caring for strangers in need.

Summary Themes Across These Passages:

1. Love and Treat Foreigners Equally: Leviticus 19:33-34; Deuteronomy 10:18-19

2. Hospitality Reflects God’s Character: Hebrews 13:2; Romans 12:13

3. Welcoming Strangers is Welcoming Christ: Matthew 25:35

4. God’s Justice Protects Foreigners: Exodus 22:21

5. True Compassion Goes Beyond Barriers: Luke 10:25-37

Things are about to get wild and loose. Got that New National…

Things are about to get wild and loose. Got that New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition Loose Leaf in the mail today. #Hymns #AndTheySangAHymn

Building the VALLEY BAGS for Halloween. Only making 120 this Year.

Building the VALLEY BAGS for Halloween. Only making 120 this year. The candy at the front reveals the stash: 1 Full, 2 minis, 3 mids. #halloween (at North Little Rock, Arkansas)

She was restless and then I lost the night

Early this morning, I started updating my Day One journal just in case I forgot the events that happened overnight. And I forgot until I saw this entry saved on my phone. After editing for atrocious grammar and syntax publishing my night. It was eventful.

3:13 AM.

Baby girl was restless enough to wake me from my slumber, causing me to go to her room and see about her. But I had to make a nature call first.

One moment, please.

After washing and sanitizing my hands in the bathroom, she was calm and quiet again. Well, ain’t that a bunch of nothing?

Her restlessness was enough to awaken the three-week-old baby boy. His vocalizations escalated from a whimper to a bloodcurdling scream within 60 seconds. Patience is not this little dude’s forte. He will make a good voice actor if he maintains these chops, though. I digress. I will do that; it’s 3 AM in the morning.

Anyway, 60 seconds was just enough time to make a bottle and grab him from his bed before he woke up Stacey. The goal here is simple: DO NOT WAKE STACEY UP.

I fed him but he was not really hungry. I’m thinking he’s just a baby whose sleep was interrupted and who wanted desperately to see his dream world again.

I wonder what babies dream about. What was I dreaming about moments ago? Funny, all of that seems to have washed away.

I held his tiny body until he started to drift away—lulled back to sleep by the rhythmic bouncing of a chair in which I rock these babies.

I have no idea what kind of chair this is or if it is really a rocking chair. I just know it’s a chair that allows me to rock the babies and me to sleep.

And then… baby girl starts getting restless again. Enough to awaken and notice that I am holding another baby in her chair and rocking that baby to sleep. With all the intelligence and jealousy that an eight-month-old can muster, she starts her sequence of pouting and crying because she should be the one in my arms, not the new guy.

Seriously, I have no real metrics for the intelligence quota of infants. But this one seems quite aware and has recently activated the jealously module of her programming.

With the coordination and grace of a synchronized swimmer performing a solo act at a community pool on opening day, I whisked baby boy to his bed and grabbed baby girl out of hers. We have one rule: Do not wake Stacey up. This is my one job. No matter what else happens, I have to do my duty.

For a brief moment all is right in the world, baby girl starts falling asleep in my arms, rocking in her chair with her daddy. Until baby boy starts screaming from another room. Perhaps it dawned on him in his dream world that he only finished half of his bottle and lacked the energy points or stamina needed to defeat the Big Boss on Level 18. Maybe that made him realize that he is still hungry and needed to exit the dream world for real-world replenishment.

Do not wake up, Stacey, kids. We can do this if we focus. Stay with me.

At this point, the almost sleeping baby girl is fully awake and reloading the jealousy module that was dormant in her mind. I place baby girl on the floor to grab baby boy from his bed and start the rest of his bottle from minutes ago.

I mean, really, I’m certain Level 18 is probably the farthest he has progressed in his short life. It’s probably a big deal to him so he needs this stop at the commissary and refuel, no doubt.

While holding him with one hand, I make a bottle for baby girl who thankfully can feed herself. I’m feeding the boy while the girl feeds herself in her bed with her head slightly elevated to prevent bad things from happening.

Crisis averted? Yes? No? Maybe? I don’t know. Can you repeat the question?

Both bottles are empty. Both start crying. Well, now the mission is in serious jeopardy. Dude, we cannot work around this obstacle.

Inner self, zip it. We have no time for your pessimistic anxiety at the moment. That does not start until 5:45 AM. It’s on the calendar.

Having done this several times now. I process a needs assessment in my mind in an effort to mitigate what will certainly become a failed attempt at maintaining spousal continual sleep.

The results of said evaluation: Baby boy wants physical contact and baby girl does too.

Ah, ha! Got it.

Hold baby boy in one arm (because he is so tiny) while rubbing girl’s head as she lays in her bed. This will cause her to fall asleep and maybe him too.

Massage. Done? Sure. Baby Boy is asleep already. I stop. She screams!

Which wakes baby boy…

When will this end cycle end?

I keep holding him while standing over her bed and rubbing her. It is like wash, rinse, repeat in this room right now.

He falls asleep and I walk away to put him back to bed. One baby down and out. She is still awake and irritated that I left her presence.

I’m back and now we reach her favorite spot. Finally rocking back and forth in the chair in the room. Her chair. Her room. Her daddy.

Eventually she falls asleep with a full snore that could rival a 50-year-old man. It’s two hours later. It’s 5:15 AM. Stacey will be getting up soon, but it will not be because the babies did it; not this time.

One job completed”—we did not wake up Stacey.

“Stork” from Listen To Your Mother: Little Rock

Anthony K. Valley posted a photo:

malady join me in wishing Madison a happy birthday. @mevalley

#family, #ltym, #motherhood, #mothers

I chose not to tell you how to celebrate Mother’s Day

Anthony K. Valley posted a photo:

malady join me in wishing Madison a happy birthday. @mevalley

#celebrate, #children, #faith, #family, #freedom, #history, #motherhood, #mothers

Jamie Foxx’s rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner in Sheet Music

Anthony K. Valley posted a photo:

malady join me in wishing Madison a happy birthday. @mevalley

Listen To Your Mother: Little Rock — Thursday, May 7, 2015

Anthony K. Valley posted a photo:

malady join me in wishing Madison a happy birthday. @mevalley

I’m no expert but that’s a LOT of packaging…

Anthony K. Valley posted a photo:

malady join me in wishing Madison a happy birthday. @mevalley

Also pay attention to the date… #Baltimore #Ferguson

Anthony K. Valley posted a photo:

malady join me in wishing Madison a happy birthday. @mevalley

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